Saturday, November 28, 2009

I met this guy on myspace and...?

i met this guy on myspace. he is 15 and lives in kansas, missouri.

after we talked and everything he tells me he loves me on the internet,

but when i tell him to come and get me . he says that he would if i wasnt only 13.

that was heartbreaking .

should i still talk to him??

I met this guy on myspace and...?

He couldn't come and get you anyway... he's 15 he's not allowed to drive a car, trackter maybe, but not a car!

I think you should forget anybody that will lead you on or mistreat you like that. When you're 13, 15 yrs old you'll think you're in love A LOT!! Take it from me, I've been there, and I wouldn't lie to you.

Really though sweetie, just have fun and don't take any crap from anyone that gets in your way! Don't talk to this guy anymore, he sounds liek a real kill-joy!

I met this guy on myspace and...?


I met this guy on myspace and...?

u are way too young to be having those types of relationships. esp on the internet. he could be some 50 yr old pervert. plus if hte kid really is only 15 how in the world can he come get u anyway. he cant even drive yet!

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Make sure this guy isnt really 50

I met this guy on myspace and...?

how do you know this isnt an old, fat guy confined to his computer cahir creeping on 13 year old like yourself.. you should alwasy be careful on the internet.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

You should know better than to talk to people online that you don't know, rather have never met in person. I highly doubt he is 15 and lives in Kansas at all. He is probably a pedophile. He wanted you to be older so you go go "visit" him. I really think schools should have more internet safety programs...

I met this guy on myspace and...?

This is one of thoes questions where only you acn decide. I mean if you realy think this is the guy for you go a head but if you think there is someone better comming soon just wait and see.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

there is no kansas, missouri. You mean Kansas City, MO?

Sounds like the boy ain't stupid. Thank your politicians and femi-nazis little girl.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

You are only don't know anyone who is on the internet. How do you not know whether all these "guys" you speak to are paedophiles or not?

There are grown men out there pretending to be young people and groom kids like you to meeting up for sexual abusing them.

DO NOT meet anyone you speak to online. PLEASE BE SAFE

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Ok yeah if you're 13 you shouldn't even get a boyfriend on the internet! That's dangerous! He's probably an old man and he's excuse is that you're too young for him. Girl get someone your age around your town.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

at yr age you should be learning how to meet people properly. the internet is a very dangewrous place, thats why its for over 18s only

besides 2 yrs isnt really a gap. he's got some other agenda

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Net Relationships: Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad!

You have to get to know a person in real life. For all you know he's some 40 year old maniac.

Don't talk to strangers!

I met this guy on myspace and...?

be careful about these things how do you know he isnt a 30 year old bloke? even is you've seen prictures of him or even a webcam does that definaltey prove you're speaking to who you think you are.

If you love eachother you can both wait until you're both at least 16 - and if you still want to meet, go with a group of friends in a public place - even if its three of your friends and three of his friends meeting at McDonalds and then watching a movie - take things slow, make your friends aware of everything your doing and beware!

So carry on talking to him as a friend? only expect to be distant somehat friends and then anything else will be a bonus.

Hope this helps.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

ok lets think abut his.

Your 13, defenceless and has no idea about the real world and wants to meet up with some random guy you met on MYSPACE aka paedo breeding ground when you may hve never even turned on a car. 13 is too young for a relationship, especially a distanced one with someone you dont know. If you must however, find someone your age and a little more local then Kansas.... and in my view if he fell in love with a 13 yr old on myspace hes probably a sad depressed emo loser

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Take easy when online .

Both of you are so young....well even about that how could you be sure that he' s really as young as he told you ?

I met this guy on myspace and...?

b glad he is respecting that ur 13 and not coming to get u!!!! believe there are many people out there that would take advantage of this situation (m or f)!! and if you get e-mails or ims from this question becareful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Honey don't do the online thing, especially at your age. You really have no idea who you're dealing with or what could happen if he showed up there. For all you know he's older and a pedophile, not trying to scare you just stating it like it is and has been proven to be when it comes to MySpace.

Try finding a nice boy in your own area that you can get to know and maybe EVENTUALLY fall in love with! I would quit talking to that so-called 15 year old on the computer. You're probably not the only one anyway.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

You should never try to meet up with any one you talk to one the Internet. It could be a perv! I know you don't want to hear this but here goes anyway. There are a lot of boys out there and you'll find the one for you in flesh and blood; not on a comp. screen.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

come and get you? And do what? He is 15! Your'e 13! Where would you stay? Who is feeding you...Wheres the income coming from...What about your education....Don't grow up to fast, It's hard out there. Stay home and see boys in your on town. Keep in toch w your myspace maybe in a few years when your both mature enough to handle what this world throws at you you can take a school break and go visit kansas missouri

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Definitely Not.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Well, knowing this answer from a learning expirence....internet relationships hardly ever work out, and, you never know how old this guy really is, i mean come on,...he might be this 30 yr old pervert looking for VERY young girls such as your self. not only that, you only out your teenage yrs and just have fun! ....Sighs, but....if you must talk to this guy, atleast get his number and talk to him for a while, i mean a LONG WHILE....before you make any rash decsions.........But if i were you, i wouldnt talk to him at all!

I met this guy on myspace and...?

no. it doesnt sound like he was serious about you. he was only stringing you along. be careful online with these guys some of them arent who they say they are. dont talk to him nemore. hes wasting your time.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

No, you should def stop talking to him. How do you really no that he is 15? Anyone can post a profile on Myspace and say they are 15. You are only 13 you have a ton of time before you need to fall in love. Enjoy being a teenager.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

yea talking is fine just dont meet up with him hes ovbiousely after sex if he wasnt then it wouldnt matter that ur 13. he needs 2 grow up n learn theres more 2 a relationship then sex!! im sorry 2 cut it bluntly hun but he isnt the sorta guy u wanna go with! gd luck

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Just kill yourself. The jig's up, and you lost.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

well umm have you ever seen this person?...just cause he says hes 15 doesnt mean that hes really that age so you have to watch out for your self and make sure hes not a perv!!!

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Here's the thing. You're still extremely young and, believe it or not, a lot of the answers already posted on here are completely accurate. At thirteen, you should be worried about finishing up middle school, not some "boyfriend". In all honesty, you're too young to understand the meaning of Love and Heartbreak anyways and the entire situation isn't worth the effort.

You have to ask yourself a few questions though. First off, how long have you been talking to him? (If it's any amount of time shorter than 5 months, you need to back out. Things got way too serious, way too fast, Especially for your age.) Next, You need to figure out what it is that you -really- feel for him. Being in love is caring about someone to the point that nothing else matters to you except their happiness and if it came down to it, you'd die for the person. Are you willing to put your life on the line for this kid? Third, you need to ask yourself if he really means what he says to you. When he compliments you, does he say you're "Hot" or does he tell you that you are beautiful and gorgeous? Is the main thing he talks about physical attraction or do you have long, drawn out conversations about everyday life and things that the two of you agree/disagree on and/or like/dislike?

Now, I'm not the type of person who is against internet dating. On the contrary, my boyfriend lives across the country from me. I am, however, a firm believer that you need to know everything there is to know before you go off and make decisions like that. Assuming he's telling the truth about his age, if he were to come "get" you, where would you live? I seriously doubt his parents are going to be supportive of him settling down so early or of some random chick moving into their house... Also: How would your parents react? Or have you even told them that you have developed feelings for this guy? Parental support in situations like this is a must. If both sets of parents don't approve, you can't expect anything to happen between the two of you until you are both over the age of 18. Seriously, what do you plan to do? Run away with each other? Trust me, that won't work. There are two main reasons.

A) You're both too young to get real jobs. You wouldn't be able to support yourselves.

B) Again, your age prohibits you from finding a place to live. Even if you plan to stay in a Motel, You have to be 21+.

So think twice over this situation and figure out what you really need to do. In all honesty, if I were you, I'd back out. There's just too much weighing against you both to stick with it.

I met this guy on myspace and...?

Sounds to me to be a little fishy! He's got you (the worm) on the line, tosses you out (You're only 13 but I still love you) waits for a bite (but I'm 13 and in looove, come get me, I live at such and such address) then he reels you in (you fall for his lies) then he gobbles you up RAW, then you become just another statistic. ~joni

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