My girlfriend is dating a guy, and found his wife's myspace page with him in a family photo. Since I am married, she asked me if she should contact the wife or not, what would she say, etc. What should I tell her?
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Tell your friend to tell the guy she is dating that she isnt interested in seeing him until he can produce divorce papers, if she is looking for a serious relationship. If she is just there for an occasional hookup then tell her not to worry about it. either way he will eventually get caught.
If she talks to her BF, he will probably give her some lame excuse about not being in love with his wife, trying to hang in their for the kids, blah blah blah. Then she will have to decide if she wants to keep getting strung along or not. Contacting the wife will make the whole thing blow sky high and will make two people very angry at your friend.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Depends on what she wants to do....I'm a very evil person so I'd talk to the life and leave hints as to where the two of them would be so the wife can catch the two in person. Or she can be nice and inform the wife that the two of them have been talking or dating or whatever and that the girlfriend will no longer talk to the guy anymore now that the girlfriend knows about the wife.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Tell her to put herself in every persons shoes and then slap the shi* out of the two timing bastard!
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? No, it is not her place to contact the wife. She should confront her boyfriend about it.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? No. Leave the wife alone. Just drop the guy.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Tell her to confont the guy. Maybe it is his exwife?Perhaps.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? i would tell the wife that she had been on a date with her husband, but terminated their relationship as soon as she found out he was married...i would def want to know!
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? If he's treating his wife like that, all she can expect is the same. Do her a favor and tell her to walk away from him.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? That she needs to break it off and find a single and available man to date. And no she shouldn't contact the wife. That is the husband's responsibility to tell her of the affair.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Depends on how pissed she is. If she's pissed that the guy was basically lying to her, she should dump him and then tell the wife everything.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? I would tell her to ditch the guy and post on myspace to all females to be wary of him because he is a married man posing as an eligible catch...maybe his wife will see it for herself and do some asking of her own
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Tell him, not her. Leave him if you thought he was single. He will not leave his wife and family. He will proabaly cheat on her again but it is not up to you to tell the Mrs.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? JUsT DUMP THE BUM
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? If she is sure that it is this guy's wife then she needs to leave both him and his wife ALONE. Drop the guy like a hot potato and leave it up to him to confess to his wife.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? She will never get the man, so the best thing for her to do is let him go. Trust me his wife already knows he's cheating. Your friend will not break up his marriage, his wife needs to open her eyes and she will one day.
Now if your friend just want a sexual relationship with him then I say go for it, but have it your way not his make sure you get yours and let him know your seeing other guys and plan to leave when mister right comes along.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? I can only say what I would do... I would dump the guy a.s.a.p., and get out of the picture. Most likely, the wife knows more than your friend thinks she does, but for whatever reason she chooses to stay with the guy; let her. Why get in the middle? The messenger often gets shot.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? If she didn't know he was married I would definitely contact her. If she knew he was married then shame on her. I can bet the family pictures on the wife's myspace depicts a happy family shot. So if she knew he was married she oughta take a good, long and hard look at the picture and get rid of this guy before it's too late. Either way, I'd let the wife know something.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? She should DEFINITELY terminate her relationship with this man as he is married. As a wife, would you want to know? Me personally, I think the wife has a right to know - but your friend should use care if she delivers the news - meaning she shouldn't deliver it in a way to that is trying to convince the woman to leave so that the man is free to be with her. Your friend, now that she knows he is married, has no business continuing a relationship with him. I feel bad for your friend, as she certainly got duped by a loser - and I feel bad for his poor wife for having such an unfaithful husband.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? She should contact the wife and let her know that her husband has been out cheating. I would want to know if my husband was and I would also like to catch him at it so that there would be no 'he said, she said'. Then she should stop seeing him and look for a nice, single guy to date.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? So her bf is married and she had no clue about it? You need to tell her to tell the wife i think she deserves to know what a cheating dog he really is maybe the wife and gf can meet up and invite him somewhere then beat the crap outta him.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? your friend should ask the guy if they are still together, may they are or not, but then she could call the wife and ask her if she says that they are then your friend should leave him. but if she says that they are not together then tell the guy that she called to make sure. but yes definitely call the wife.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Walk away from the situtation. Cut your losses and move on. This man's marriage is none of her business.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Have your friend print out the picture, frame it and place it in an obvious spot in her home.
Maybe set it as the desktop of her computer, and then ask the guy to check something on the internet for her.
That should open up the channels of communication.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Yes. tell her.
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Forgive me for saying this but... This sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer Show. Perhaps I can get you the phone number so the two woman can be combatants on Jerry Springer.
First and foremost I would have to wonder why your girlfriend needs to be dating another besides you... Let alone that someone being a married man. Are you not satisfying her?
And yet the plot still sickens that she needs to ruin another mans life contacting his wife? How inhuman can she get?
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? Please convince your friend to tell the wife. I read where others on here said that the wife already knows, but trust me - as a wife who suspects her husband is cheating but has no concrete proof, I would love for someone to tell me if she knew. For all I know, that could be MY myspace page!
Girl dates guy, finds wife myspace page...? why? Does she want to make it a 3-some?