Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

We have never met and he lives in Texas, but we've been talking to each other for 4 months now and i'm strtng to really get emotionally attatched to him. I've broke up with him twice to see if he really likes me but every time he says (i dnt really care) and (it dsnt matter) but then he wnt tlk to me and he acts like he's mad that i broke up with him. I'm still trying to find out if he really loves me like he says or if he's just trying to get a quick girlfriend. Then i want to know if he really does care that i broke up with him but thinks it will make him seem like a wimp if he says he does. So my questian is should i get back with him and please explain why if so and why he's acting this way.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Listen to a song by Brad Paisley called "Online" its not just a song it's true. This is one of the most important songs for teenagers to listen to. We go on myspace and think everyones really truthful but They're not.

Just listen to it, you should really think twice about online relationships.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

just dont try anymore. not wrth it. trust me please.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

U ahve never met him in real life could be rapist or he might already have a girl friend i mean its and online thing dont ge tto attached

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

in my opinon myspace relationships are too risky to even bother with!

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

This is dumb for the following reasons:

Why would you get "emotionally attached" to some random guy on myspace?

Why would you "break up with him" to "see if he likes you"?

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

You are proper

I would warn this guy away in case you tie him to a bed and break his ankles like in that film Misery. You sound very manipulative and putting people through tests like you have will only coma back at you

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

okayy well i wounldn't go any farther cause you can get really really really hurtttt

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

get a life?????

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

You broke up with someone to see if they really love you? That's a whole new level of manipulative and I think you're my new hero.

Don't stress so much about online relationships. Find someone who you can see and touch and smell. That will fix most of the relationship problems right away.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Myspace!!?? no hunnie don't. Jsut stop wastign your time. Be carful

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

He's probably a 52 year old fat, bald guy with a receding hairline. I say stop the games now and move on.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Do your parents know about this?

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?


Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

i would say no bcuz he is so far away %26amp; you dnt really know what he is doin....the whole idea of computer love is not safe do u knw if the pics on the net are really him anyway

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

purely internet relationships DO NOT work. leave ur house. go down the street, go 2 a club or sumfin, pay attention to the opposite sex in class, but please for everyones sake u need to get out there or ur guna keep finding urself on yahoo anwers coz of sum guy u met on the internet. key word: internet, does that sound like reality to u? coz to me it sounds like cyberspace with or without the webcam.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

i dont meen to be a safety freak, but u shudnt date through myspace, thats very dangerous, even if the guy seems credible, if uhave never met the guy in ure life, then he might be really different in person... i reccomend u jus forget about him, and find a boyfriend that u actually meet (school, college, work, etc).

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Argh this happens to people all the time and im sorry to say this but i think you feel a lot more about him than he does about you, and if you really want to know if he does care if you break up then you should ask him before you get hurt any more. He may have many other girls like you he talks to and if he does hes just a major prick and you shouldnt bother with him, it will be hard doing that though. This is why i think he is acting this way.

Good luck


Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

no, don't go back with him....find some1 that u can basically see everyday...he's not worth ur time if he acts like he really doesn't care

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

If he is in entirely different state then it is not worth trying to make things work. You don't know if he is goin out and havin fun jsut to come home and have someone to talk to on the internet. I met my girlfriend online (know sounds sad) and we have been together now for 3 years. But we were in same zip code so could meet and hang out. It is very hard to have a long distence relationship. My opinion, be friends that talk on internet but don't be b/f g/f.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Go find someone in real life that you've actually met and is around where you live...think about it - long distance relationship, you've never met him, etc...not a good idea. Who knows, he might be some 50 year old man behind that computer

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

first of all, this may sound harsh, but you can't go out with someone you've never met. myspace is a great place to meet people, but until you meet that person face to face, you don't know who they are. I know. I met my girlfriend on myspace. Make sure this person is really who they are, and be careful. If you do meet and they seem like someone you would want to be in a relationship with, then you go from there.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

You have never met him? You think you are in love with some guy you never met have you ever talked on the phone. If I was that guy I would not care an online so called relationship with a person you don't know does not mean anything. He could be faking it all. You really have no clue who he is in real life. You don't love him you love the Idea of him.

Get out and meet a real person.

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

guys are not as dumb has you think. he knows that you are playing mind games. he is probably waiting to see if you are going to grow up. then he will decide if your worth it .

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

Ok, that's alot. If he's in Texas and you haven't met him yet, I'm going to assume that it's because you live in anothr state. So the thought of having a quick gf is probably not right. It's not like he can jump in his car and drive by at anytime, right? As for the rest, I think you should have a better reason for breaking up with him than just to see if he loves you. But, if that's your reason and his response is that it doesn't matter, then he probably has more than one online girl, and it really doesn't matter to him if he has you or not. The long distance/myspace relationship are hard, I have found they are full of DRAMA, so good luck and be careful (with your heart).

Ok, i met this guy on myspace and we started going together.?

You really shouldn't "break up with him to see if he really likes you." You should only break up with someone for a good reason. Did you tell him that was the reason? That's probably why he didn't care. I'm speaking from experience about this, guys will try their hardest to look all big and bad.

When I was 13, I got a boyfriend but I broke up with him because I was moving away, but I told him it was because he was younger than me. We're together again, and he told me that he acted like he didn't care, but he cried like a b**ch that night. From that, just know that guys will never admit to crying. It's just something that they think they shouldn't do because they're "men."

So, don't string this guy along like that if you really love him. If you end up staying together, it can really hurt the relationship.

Ask him how he really feels about that, and apologize for doing that, and see where things go. But, I suggest not getting too tightly attached, because you'll want to see him, and your parents may not approve of a long-distance relationship.

Another thing: Are you SURE that he's as old as he is? You have to be careful with online relationships these days, because it only takes a few clicks to turn a married with kids 60-something year old fat guy into a single 16-year-old athlete in a band. Just be cautious.

I hope this all helped you in one way or another.

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