Friday, December 25, 2009

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to

He asked me to marry him over text message. Im such a shy person so its really hard to call him or meet up with him... Hes 27 and im 17... what should i do everyone????? HELP!!!!!!!!

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

don't go meet him by yourself. Be careful about meeting people from the internet its easy for people to say they are someone that they aren't. Do you not think that its weird that he asked you to marry him without meeting him or even being in a real relationship

Please wise up about this situation and be safe.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

I think you should be careful. What the rush?

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

Find someone closer to your age!

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

this sounds crazy!Be careful.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

I don't think that you should. That's pushing it

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

don't do it he is to old for u

and he might be lying and a rape or a kidnapper

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

gross do not even do that dont tell him anything about where you live and such you could get into some serious tell him to get lost of quit texting him find someone your own age...

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

Be careful. You've never met this guy in person and he's proposing marriage, and for him to do that without you two ever meeting is really weird.

I'd suggest if you really, really want to meet him, to do it in a public place and bring a GROUP of friends with you and don't stray from the group. That way if he's not a good guy, you're not going to get caught alone, and if he is a good guy then you'll have lots of friends nearby so you won't feel so shy/uncomfortable.

And if he doesn't show up, BE CAREFUL leaving because if he's some kind of psycho he may try and follow you home, so it'd probably be best to try and meet earlier in the day, go to a bunch of places afterward if he doesn't show, and to also watch to make sure you're not being followed. It seems paranoid but you don't know this guy and bad things do happen, and being cautious is good since he's already acting weird.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

Well since your 17 and he's 27 mmm thats a bit sketchy..anyway I met a guy like that and it worked out great...but atleast for the first two times you go meet up definitely bring a friend with you, (no questions asked.)

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

Don't overcome your shyness. He could be a 50 year old man, sitting in front of the computer screen pretending to be 27 to trick girls. Besides, he is way too old for you. I don't think it's such a good idea to meet him online. Do not go to see him.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

dont do dating online especiaallly myspace..

be carefulll

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

I would normally say go for, meet somewhere public and let people know where you are going and who you are going with, but if he has already asked you to marry him and you haven't even met face to face...then you should be very suspicious of him and his intentions! Don't get me wrong my husband and I met over myspace but just be careful.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

i think you should be v. careful he could be cabable of anything.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

You can never be too careful.People aren't always what they seem.If you decide to meet him go with someone to be extra careful.Good Luck.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

you met that hot guy over myspace? you mean you dont know him in person yet? i think you should think it over and over... and he also asked you to marry him... through text? you dont know him yet! you dont know if he smokes, or even his attitude! you really got to think it over and over!

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

10 year age gap....met on the net.....he knows you're shy....ALL WARNING SIGNS.

Only meet in public and with a trusted chaperone,

but think about this: *if a friend of yours was proposed to by an older guy via text whom she had never met in person, wouldn't you be suscpicious?*

Build up your self esteem and be careful honey. Don't put yourself in danger.

How do i overcome my shyness to meet this hot guy i meet over myspace? We only text but he wants to meet. Help

Ok i know that age ain't nothing but a number, but how long have you known him? You really cant marry him now anyway, (legally). If he wants to meet up, whatever you do, DONT GO ALONE!!! You only txt him? Have you ever spoken to him? Dont rush into marriage especially if you havent even SPOKEN to him. My cousin did the same as you, except she is older, she slept with him the first night she met him, and after that she hasnt seen him since... SOME Guys use myspace for all the wrong reasons... if i were you i wouldnt meet him....

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