Monday, December 28, 2009

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerou

should I call him? what do you think? He's really hot! but he intimidates me. He has a gentle voice. he seems very kind. but maybe a player. he is 28 and I am 21 so there is a reason for me being cautious. Does he look dangerous to you. He really turns me on when I see him. I don't know what to think. SOmeone let me know. It's driving me crazy, and I don't want to wait too long or make a rash decision and call him when I shouldn't.

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

Some people just have a rough exterior. Call him. Feel him out and trust your intuition.

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

How does he look dangerous? All I see is some scrawny little punk in a white muscles shirt with a cap and headphones? Does his chain make him dangerous?

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

he is dangerous he is probably gonna rape you or something do not i repeat do not call him

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

Um its kind of hard to tell with the cap on. He look a bit on the tough side but if its a bit of fun your after then just talk to him on the phone but dont meet up or anything until you know him a bit better. Looks can be decieving. Good luck. xx

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

That's a really awful picture of him. Maybe he just seems that way because of his surrondings. But he may be going thru a machismo thing where he tries to dress and act really tough.

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

if he intimidates you, that's not really something you want.

find somebody that makes you feel comfortable, not intimidated.

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

it's just a bad photo and he's trying to look gangster.

This really hot guy asked for my #, I asked for his. I found his myspace and he looks a bit dangerous?

i would be cautious of him

meeting somebody on the internet is very risky

i would meet him but not on my own and in a very very public place

but then again looks can be misgiving

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