Monday, December 28, 2009

TEENAGE GUYS......If a guy left this comment on myspace for a girl.........?

I had my results back today ......i had two B's which is good for my standards....because i basically did like no revision! So ye, im quite pleased really! Iv got a new car with few secrets!! You will hav to see it sometime! Maybe take you for a spin or somethin lol..... u go to youth club on sunday?

Does this mean he likes her as a friend or as more than a friend?????

TEENAGE GUYS......If a guy left this comment on myspace for a girl.........?

hes sayin that he wants u in the back seat of his car god learn to take a hint

TEENAGE GUYS......If a guy left this comment on myspace for a girl.........?

I wanna say that he likes you but he also wants to do things with you. What i say you should do is to try it out, find out if he likes you more tham a friend. if he does try going with him and if all he wants to do is get some then you make your decision there

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