Thursday, December 3, 2009

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

I was describing to my good friend of what I would like in a perfect guy. He sent me a message and is really nice and sweet. He went by my work yesterday. Turns out he is friends with a guy who works at a sport's store. Well I was dating the manager of that store but we haven't spoken in about a month. I am afraid they may say something bad to me about him. Ugh, what should I do?

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

Over myspace?...sweeite...over myspace?

Can I even begin to asnwer this question?...myspace?

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

I'm sorry, but I'm confused, and why would you go out with anybody you met on myspace? Don't you know what happens to some people? I think it's great that he sweet and everything, but what if he wasn't? Just something for you to think about.

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

If you know the guy, give it a shot. If you're comitted you'll accept his past/background.

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

myspace isnt always the best place for a relationship so go out for reals first

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

oh hun, please dont date a internet lover!!! you have never known him before!

I think I met the perfect guy on myspace.?

This question kinda confuses me but i'm going to tell you the first thing that popped into my head. can you really be sure that this guy is for real i mean men on there yes can sometiems be telling the truth and they do really have feelings for you, but then there are a lot that don't really feel that way. before you get 2 deep in this i hope you will think about the decison and make teh right one because i don't want you to get hurt physicly or emotionaly.

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