Sunday, December 6, 2009

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to

Im affraid my man may get jealous and not understand that was a friend from when I was a tom boy! and it would be nice to see what hes been up to in his life. what should I do?

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to catch up?

Well, measure what your "man" is worth to you compared to what "catching up" is worth to you.

If it will destroy your relationship and you don't want that to happen then don't make the call.

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to catch up?

take him with u if u dont have any evil designs

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to catch up?

i think you should! i had a friend who i went to camp with look me up myspace. we got in touch and everything is just fine! your just talkin.........your not trying to hook up with him

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to catch up?

First own up to looking for this guy on my space!! Then ask yourself why he isnt calling you. However, if it is all innocent what kind of a man did you choose as your parnter who would go nuts because some guy you used to play stickball with wants to know how you have been over the past 7 years. Your last sentence is very revealing however, "you want to SEE what he has been up to in his life". So you are not catching up on the phone???? I think you got some 'splainin' to do, probably to yourself first!

I stumbled on an old guy friend profile on myspace I havent spoken to in 7yrs he said 2 call him to catch up?

I'd say you tell him (your b/) just that (that the guy is an old guy friend way back tomboy days that you haven't seen for 7 yrs)and can give the guy friend a call- if your b/f feels secure bout you n him - he shld not be worried. If he does - you got a problem that u need to look into.

We can be in love but it doesn't mean we have to stop talking to friends from the opposite sex .....oh n btw- that's if your intentions are really just friendly ~~

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